Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Friends Aloft
Here is an image from my rainy morning walk. I watched him for sometime, but the moment after I took this shot, he was on to me and took off.
The next day, I leaned on my kitchen counter and watched the birds at my feeder. I must say that in my previous post, that is a momma, not a baby goldfinch...I hadn't realized the females share the same wing pattern with the males. She was back Sunday, with her 4 babies. She didn't pay me any mind, other than to teach her young to notice and be cautious of me. So often I, too, teach my young to be cautious of things, when I know it is ok, "this time". Kids generalize so much, that often, we find ourselves teaching him the larger lesson, rather than the lesson of the moment....I never realized how much parents have in common. The young goldfinches were so motley!!! Hilarious and unkempt...much like my own son's shaggy hair.
A momma cardinal joined the crowd. She is not as comfortable with me, and so taught her young son to be even more cautious. The tits and carolina chicadees and purple finch were far less cautious...but they didn't have young to worry over.
It was a nice escape. In the past, I didn't put the finch feeder up until the garlic is in bloom. I would have it up at the bedroom slider, which is nearer the garlic. As they grew comfortable with us, I would move the feeder up to the kitchen window, nearer to where we enjoy, "deck time". This should be a good season for enjoying the goldfinches.
My son commented to his daddy the other day, "The birds don't leave when you get up and go in the house, only when you walk towards the steps, near them". I am so glad he notices things like that, and on his own. A couple of years ago, I saw a pack of kids coming back from the pond, where there were some 17 baby ducks. I asked the kids how many there were that day and they looked at me like I was daft...I thought it so sad they were raised to not even notice the wildlife....and even more blessed to know that my son "watches", too.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Dawn Breaks
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Walking in the Rain
Yesterday, I went for a walk in the morning rain. If the neighbors woke up and peeked, they would have been greeted by a strange sight,indeed!!! An adult, in a bright turquoise hoodie, splayed out in their front garden, actually lying down, in the pouring rain. (No, I do not know these folks).
I had a truly creative outing, watching the high contrast of fresh, spring color against the darkness of wood and bark. I actually set out in search of the new baby spiders'webs, glistening as gems. I found a myriad of other treasures. More to come !!! I seem to be in a daffodil phase. I will let them speak for themselves.
I Found a Secret !
I FOUND IT ! Not a very clear image. I have better, but this tells of it's shape. Though opossums prefer to live in a pre-made burrow, they will inhabit an old squirrel nest...and apparently ours have.
We have had opossums living in the side forest as long as we have been here and I have been searching for their nest for a few years. Apparently, I was just stopping short. It is on the back-side of a tree, surrounded by kudzu vines on the far side of the forest. I hope we get to see the babies out this year!
(By the way, there IS a difference between "opossum" and "possum"... an Australian man, named a similar Aussie marsupial, "possum" after our "opossum". He altered the name to distinguish between the two.)
Friday, March 27, 2009
Jesse & Vic's Garden
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Stealing Moments
I so miss when the red-tailed hawks nested across the cove from our home!! This last week, I have been watching a new hawk. He has been around most days. I so yearn for him to move in, but am pleased that he has chosen our retreat as his hunting grounds. I managed to steal some alone time out back....Several times, I watched this red-shouldered wonder soar at, or just above, eye-level. I watched as he landed atop on old oak, where he sat and groomed himself....about eye level with my view. I spent over a half an hour watching his every move, gazing in wonder through binoculars.
Later that morning, I walked into my kitchen and discovered that the goldfinches return earlier in the season than I had realized. My feeder is about 10 inches from the glass over my counter. As I went to the window to check out this young male, he turned to check me out !!!!
Later, in the evening, I was settling in on the deck, when I heard a famiilar rustle of leaves. I knew right away that it was "Pat". We checked each other out for about 40 minutes...we have grown accustomed to each other over the last few years. We often look curiously at each other, for a few minutes. Her attention has never lasted this long. Even though the image is grainy, I couldn't resist putting my camera on digital zoom....(I just HAVE TO get my good camera fixed!! Then I would have some worthy hawk pix to share, as well!)
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Still watching
Sunday, March 22, 2009
What a difference a couple of weeks make ! Just 2 weeks (?) ago, I arose early to watch the full moon set over the lake....this morning, I saw her waning crescent rise over the pines beyond the pond.
Believe it or not, this is an actual picture of the moon that I took last December. It was the night it was to be it's closest to the earth. I made all of "my boys" (Tom, London, Uncle Wesley and our neighbor, Jimmy) all go out and see it rise.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Simple Abundance
Farewell Winter
Last autumn, I had somewhat looked forward to to my winter hibernation, or as I often call it, "my cacooning". I had also somewhat feared it, reticent to give up the long, glorious days of color. I guess I should have known from those mixed feelings that it would be a season for self-nurturing and growth for me. Not only did I adapt to the long, dark hours, but with my candle-lit morning time, I would say I fully embraced it. I suppose it is time to come out into the sun. Am I really prepared for the day? Am I ready to bloom as an artist?
Last summer, I relished the long hours of daylight~watching the sun glitter off of the lake onto my face & on my eyelids as I lounged in the pool. It is hard to imagine pool-time again....deck time has already begun by fires' glow with family and friends & a hot dog cook-out with strawberry smores! A new fire-pit replaces the much cherished chiminea as a symbol of new beginnings with the familiar comforts of home.
On this vernal equinox, the daylight hours are marching forward and so I follow. I need to savor these remaining, mornings of darkness, stealthily walking the neighborhood's shadows and gazing at stars and cozying up in candlelight. Last autumn, I could not imagine the bareness of trees...and now I shall long for the images of their refined sculpture. The mornings will grow longer and the hours of darkness shorter. It will happen slowly and I "do change slowly"...so it will all be, as usual "All good".
Friday, March 20, 2009
Mood Enhancement
I don't think a living soul could not at least chuckle to see a lop bounding across the house !!! In theory, my son received this girl for his 8th b.d....but she has become mine. We rescued her from an outdoor, caged life in MD. She now resides with us in our home... She is so content and happy. When she is caged, she usually sleeps on her back, paws up..looking like much like an ex-rabbit...a rabbit "who has ceased to be".... More often than not, she is bounding around our home and seeking affection. Who knew a bunny could be so warm and sweet?!
I have battled clinical depression for many years and one of my best counter-measures is "bad, British pop"...brilliant in it's badness and it's mass appeal! When I am in a funk, there is nothing quite like, "Spice Therapy". It is impossible to be down when listening to the Spice Girls. I have been ill for the past few days and seeing a lop hop across the room, or dash laps around the cat, claiming him for her own is just hilarious and a great mood enhancer !!!
Now on my 3rd rabbit (the others were years ago), I have noticed something and tied it in with people I have known.....whenever I change out her litter box, she immediately goes to the bathroom and sits on her creation....have you ever met people like that? I now call people who are not happy unless they are sitting in the middle of a self-made mess, "a lop of a person".
Moment of Glory
Walking in a Cloud
After several days of overcast skies and steady rain, I awoke the other morning to a dense and glorious fog! Fog forces the eye to look carefully. There is a magic to peering intently into fog and finding hidden treasures tucked away in the colors of the mist. I even found a blessing in the neighbors' security lights. Typically glaring through the trees, they were warm glows of light, reminiscent of van Gogh. Reflecting off of the pond, they accented the thick air. Best of all, the half-moon shone, veiled and muted. The mist was amazingly heavy and I could actually feel it fall...it truly was walking in a cloud!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
"Disgusting science (Pt 1)
Yesterday, we made gelatin and prepared petri dishes to grow molds and bacteria. We also enacted peristalsis...the muscle contractions that carry food through the digestive track. In a nutshell, we put food in the balloon. It went down the "esophogus" and into the "stomach". We added "acid" to the "stomach" and kneaded to assist digestion just as muscles do. Turn it over and the balloon neck becomes "intestines"... In this shot, Tom and London continue peristalsis and the food becomes....homemade poo!!! Way gross ! Way FUN !!!
Peep Jousting
What a Pair !!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Windows into Worlds
We have a 50 gallon aquarium that a recent catastrophe left emp[ty save for 1 poor guppy and 1 blue, beta. (again, predator & prey). This past weekend, I made a good start on restocking our tank. What a joy to do so, spontaneously with 7 & 8 y.o. boys !!! They saw the fish and suggested we get some and were floored when I told them yes, but they had to help me pick them out !!
We came home with 4 bags of freeshwater fish: The boys picked out 3, soaring, silver, shark-like cats that are very active and a blast to watch. I picked out a big, black, wobbly ball of a moor. We got a loach-like algae-eater and 3 little ghost shrimp. The boys named them all "Jacques" after the cleaning shrimp in Nemo. "Shark-bait" would probably be more appropriate.
I had forgotten how much fun it is to have a full tank of variety....
Monday, March 16, 2009
We Play
I usually get up between 3 & 5 ~ "oh-dark-thirty ~ and I listen. Not yet ready for starkness, I fill the room with the soft glow of a dozen or more candles. I settle in with Mikey, gently warming me with his purrs, comforting cup of tea or coffee, my journal and my Bible. Imagine ! The Creator of all things actually used the hands of man to write down his Holy Word in a book!!!...and I have access to it !!! How can I not read it ?!? I get to know Him better that way and myself, too.
I pray, but I try to listen most af all. It's not just a doing kind of faith, or a checklist item. It's not just dumping my requests and feeling better~ a cosmic kind of feel-good remedy. It's about relationship. I thank Him, praise Him and worship Him.
Outside, I stand so small, over-shadowed by the forest silhouette. I gaze in awe at the night sky. "When I consider the moon and the stars, what is man that thou art mindful of him?" (Ps. 8). And me? That you care for me?!? I wonder in amazement that the Creator of the Universe wants to spend time with me !
It's all about relationship and relationship is 2-way. I pray & I praise, but most of all, I try to listen. I hear "His still, small voice" best of all when the world has not yet arisen. I am His beloved child. He has adopted me into His family and made me an heir to His Kingdom...how can I not be amazed and filled with wonder !!! The Master Artist has made me in His image~ Once again, in the glow of candlelight, I am driven to create, still in praise and worship.
Soon, I will head out to spend my day with middle schoolers, but I invite my Lord along. I will learn to know Him even better as he allows me to help others find their image of Him through the act of creating.... and I continue to listen.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
I live with a menagerie. Mikey-kitty, the alpha, and Juliette our herder. Here, predator meets prey...and Mikey was NOT amused. Juliette simply sighs, knowing that her herd has grown, & so too, her work load. They have learned to co-exist. Bun-Bun seeking companionship with the closest to her kind, Mikey wanting no part of it. (translation: the lop chases the alpha-kitty around the house).
In addition to our 4-footers, he have a tank of albino frogs and a 50 gallon aquarium of tropical fish. Soon, our TWO "hotel tanks" will be open for overnight stays of local residents....toads and skinks, turtles and anoles and perhaps even a snake or 2. They will vacation for a day or two. My son and his friend will spend their days hunting insects and rushing back to feed our guests, before returning them to their real homes...outdoors. Most have names and we know where each of them live, so it is easy to bring them back for a return stay. This winter, we had no hangers-on and so we look forward with even geater relish to their return.
I wanted to add a bird to our menagerie...my husband is not keen for any more living things inside of our home. I do have window feeders full of songbirds. After keeping up with the lop's litter pan, I have decided he is right. I have found a no-maintenance way to have 7 birds and have added a wonderful relic to my home: a mobile. It is the mobile that my parents chose to lovingly adorn the crib of their firstborn son, some 56 years ago. The birds soar over me as I write and remind me of the part my parents played in my love for ALL of God's creatures.