Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Impressionist Watch

Sunday evening, as the sun began it's descent in the west, I headed east. I stood in the open air, away from the forest, watching the sky. It was absolutely a glorious show !!! I stood in the middle of the street, transfixed. So many passed by with barely a glance...but I saved a wee taste for you.

As the colors receded to the west, I headed that direction. The lake was positively rich in hue !!!! I shot the sky as it lit up orange & pink behind the autumn foliage, & still on long after the trees were but silhouettes. Years of checking my loathed watch have paid off. I headed to the landing at just the right moment. I sat but 5 minutes in rapt awe of the changing sky & water, when the beaver silently swam out before me !!!! Awesome end to a fantabulous weekend !!!!

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