Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Groundhogs & "Cotton"

Every February 2nd, a cutesy, little poem gets stuck in my head, from my days as a preschool teacher. Six times today, I opened class with the little finger play. They were shocked, horrified & many were greatly amused. (And they did get quiet).
"Mr. Cotton" walks the 2 mile loop of our neighborhood, twice a day; no matter what the weather is. When the roads are so frozen I can not walk up my own driveway, the marks his ice shoes have made in the ice can be seen along the road. He discovered that I collect odd & unusual things for my students to draw. One day while I was out, he stopped & asked my husband if I would like a stuffed ground hog. "Been dead over 30 years". Tom said that he was sure I would & they set about a trick to pull on me. They placed him in the center of the carport where I was soon to arrive. As I turned to walk up, there was "Chuck", standing directly across my path!

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