Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New Neighbors

Last year, as I watched from lake's edge a baby, wood duck made his lone way around the cove at "beaver time". I always said a prayer for the vulnerable, little guy out on the big lake. This year, he has returned with 2 females and 1 now roosts in the nesting box in our end of the cove!
People down the way have cut off my direct access to the beavers. I must watch from afar or traverse a long climb. This forces me to choose between watching God's sky painting or the comings & goings of the beavers. God has a way of overcoming man's obstacles & has honored me in choosing to surmount my tiny woe. Beavers are said to care for their young 2-3 years, before sending them into the big, wide world. This year, their offspring made their new home up in our end of the cove! They are just across from the dock from which I gaze in awe at His creations. Without leaves on the trees, I can literally stand in my living room & watch as they make their new burrow, down below! God in His infinite grace & mercy brought the beavers to me ! I am honored & I am humbled! SELAH !

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