Saturday, July 11, 2009

Mustard Seeds

Many of the people I know don't just live paycheck to paycheck. They live wondering where the next check of any sort will come from. A lot of them don't believe in God, but strangely enough, blame Him. Those who do believe in God know that He is not the source of their woes and have the deepest faith I have ever been privileged to be around. In my experience these people have witnessed more miracles than those of more adequate means. Things like an unclaimed insurance check suddenly appearing or a "stranger" delivering Christmas with only days to go...Yes, I do believe these are miracles. I call them,"God moments".I believe wholeheartedly that this will happen for you. I believe that God uses our greatest struggles for His greatest purpose.
One must have faith for things to become "miraculous". Most often growth comes through difficulties & hardships. When the disciples implored Jesus to increase their faith, He said it only takes faith the size of a mustard seed.(Luke 17:5-10) When you have exhausted all of *your* resources & only have Him to rely on, it will be time to watch for a miracle. This is not due to a lack of faith on your part; quite the contrary. I know you feel you it can't possibly get any worse~ you already ARE at rock-bottom. You are wondering when & where is He going to *finally* come through~~the closer you get to the edge correlates directly with the depth your faith will grow. It will not go beyond your faith, but it will grow it.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart & lean not on your own understanding. In all they ways acknowledge Him & He shall direct thy paths." (Proverbs 3:5&6)
You are more blessed in more ways than you realize. I've been there & I know it doesn't feel like it. He has chosen to let it go this far to grow you in your faith. I know you already feel that it has, but it will be deeper & stronger than you have ever experienced before....and how many others will be impacted by your experience?Start thanking Him now.
Get ready & get excited ! You are on the verge of the miraculous !

1 comment:

  1. My miracle is coming! Believe that sister!!

