Monday, August 17, 2009

Bird Watching

The other day seemed to be bird day, but from the start it seemed that the birds were all off schedule. Typically, it is the wren that begins the morning praise, but she was delayed & the early hours started with "The Iris Bird" [Oven Bird]. Rather than a flock of swallows soaring high, there was only a pair. They were down low, darting in & out of the tree where usually a pair of young cardinals play. The new hawk did not glide by at her appointed time, nor was there evidence of the kingfisher. I did not hear the familiar coos of the widowed mourning dove, nor even the rooster far off across the lake. Perhaps the best explanation for these oddities was the sound of the crows cawing in the distance.

Our lake is actually a dammed river and Great Blue Herons nest at it's mouth. In the spring & autumn, they make their way downstream, to our cove. On this morning, I saw the male come lumbering around Beaver Point & rest in a tree across the water. He stayed for a long while & when he did leave, he headed down-river.

That afternoon, I lounged in the pool and watched such a colorful variety of red cardinals, yellow goldfinches, green hummingbirds, bluebirds, robin red-breasts & of course, blue-grey tits, & russett wrens ! The red-shouldered hawk, "My Girl", soared overhead & I was able to see her go into a full dive. It was such a treat to see so many brilliant, pure colors in the birdlife !!!! Amazing !!!

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