Monday, March 16, 2009


I usually get up between 3 & 5 ~ "oh-dark-thirty ~ and I listen. Not yet ready for starkness, I fill the room with the soft glow of a dozen or more candles. I settle in with Mikey, gently warming me with his purrs, comforting cup of tea or coffee, my journal and my Bible. Imagine ! The Creator of all things actually used the hands of man to write down his Holy Word in a book!!!...and I have access to it !!! How can I not read it ?!? I get to know Him better that way and myself, too.
I pray, but I try to listen most af all. It's not just a doing kind of faith, or a checklist item. It's not just dumping my requests and feeling better~ a cosmic kind of feel-good remedy. It's about relationship. I thank Him, praise Him and worship Him.
Outside, I stand so small, over-shadowed by the forest silhouette. I gaze in awe at the night sky. "When I consider the moon and the stars, what is man that thou art mindful of him?" (Ps. 8). And me? That you care for me?!? I wonder in amazement that the Creator of the Universe wants to spend time with me !
It's all about relationship and relationship is 2-way. I pray & I praise, but most of all, I try to listen. I hear "His still, small voice" best of all when the world has not yet arisen. I am His beloved child. He has adopted me into His family and made me an heir to His can I not be amazed and filled with wonder !!! The Master Artist has made me in His image~ Once again, in the glow of candlelight, I am driven to create, still in praise and worship.
Soon, I will head out to spend my day with middle schoolers, but I invite my Lord along. I will learn to know Him even better as he allows me to help others find their image of Him through the act of creating.... and I continue to listen.

1 comment:

  1. hey Miss. C!
    I loooove your blog!!!
    I am going to keep reading
    so please keep writing

