Thursday, September 24, 2009

Evening Delight

My schedule is running pretty full & food is not something I plan for very well.I arrived home from school one day, anticipating a full evening of things to do & places to go. I opened the fridge & discovered a beautiful, ceramic soup tureen.
A long-time neighbor had come by & asked if we would mind sharing in her bounty. "When I get in the kitchen & start cooking, I always end up making too much. Some folks might be insulted, but I would like to share it with you." It was full of homemade, vegetable soup & was absolutely glorious!
Miss Patty is the other "animal & nature lady" in the neighborhood. She & I sat for hours next to the pond, as the bulldozer irrevocably altered our landscape. We compared notes on the neighborhood wildlife, where they live & when we watch. It was comforting to have someone to mourn with. Completely by surprise, on a busy Monday afternoon, this beautiful tureen of homemade soup! She had no way to know our schedule for the next few days & how this would bless us...
God knows our needs before we ask. He had nudged her & she responded. How many times do I heed or ignore "His still, small voice"?

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